v9.4.2 Additions:
- Pale oak variants added
- End portal frame changed
- Pale oak log changed
- Creaking heart changed
- Pale moss carpet changed
- Pale hanging moss is thicker
- Glow lichen color tweaked
- Crafting table tweaked
- Redstone torch fixed
- Panorama tweaked
v9.4.1 Additions:
- Accommodated for new redstone torch model
- New nether wart item
- New slot selection texture
- Dragon Egg updated
- Villager clothes updated
- Wandering traders updated
- Armor moved to new folders (old asset spots will be supported until next major release 1.22.0)
- Ominous bottle changed
- Illagers tweaked
- Villager base skins tweaked
- Blaze tweaked
- Chest boat text fixed
- Wall posts look better now
- Better fence posts
- Better fence items
- Bogged now have wood armor
- Glowing chorus flowers
- Better villager variants
- Illager variants
- Fox variants removed (they were causing more problems than they were worth)
- Enchant table updated (after much deliberation the color of the runner is back to being red)
- Minecart overhauled
- Iron trapdoor changed
- Hopper bottom texture changed
- Cauldron bottom texture changed
- Skeleton overhauled
- Wither skeleton overhauled
- Alternate bat texture removed
- All Illagers overhauled
- Wandering traders overhauled
- Witch overhauled
- Charged creeper texture reverted
- Cold creepers are better now
- Goats overhauled
- Zombies overhauled
- Zombie villagers overhauled
- Chest color tweaked
- Obsidian is more purple
- Iron door tweaked
- Iron block tweaked
- Brick item tweaked
- Stray tweaked
- Enderman tweaked
- Some chickens tweaked
- Husks tweaked
- New waxed copper items now appear with outline
- Emissive emerald
- Emeralds look more like rupees
- Breeze rod is fatter
- Spider models and textures updated
- Cave spider models and textures updated
- Effect particles now spiral into bubbles
- End crystals updated
- End portal frame updated
- Removed glow lichen texture
- Removed sea pickle candles
- Pack image updated
- End bedrock texture tweaked
- End portal eye tweaked
- More contrast on amethyst blocks
- Crafter gui
- Armadillo color changed to be more realistic
- Spawn eggs cleaned up
Tweaks and fixes:
- Brick item color tweaked
- Clay pot texture tweaked
- Wolf armor tweaked to reflect armadillo changes
- Sniffer egg item flipped
- Stone tools tweaked
- News icon no longer brown
- Text upgrades
- Potion icons
- Panorama updated
- Creative GUI added
- Gui flares and guides added for traders and brewing.
- Brown shulker boxes now look like crates
- Enchant bottle changed
- Totems will no longer display in offhand
- Netherite tools changed
- Turtle texture changed
- Redstone torches updated
Tweaks and fixes:
- Buckets tweaked
- Mutton now faces the correct way
- Axolotls fixed
- Moss carpet bugs fixed
- Azalea glitches fixed
- Dirt tweaked
- Fixed iron bars
- Fixed/tweaked sugarcane
- Gui bug fixes (1.20.4 compatibility)
- Brisingr texture tweaked
- Iron horse armor tweaked
- Paintings removed
- Vex textures reverted
- Cat models removed
- Cit swords updated
- Leaves reverted (moving to another pack)
- Sniffer egg models changed
- Diamonds changed
- Container GUI changes
- Soul campfire item added
- Bamboo block variants added
- Rick’s Default text tweaked
- Other gui tweaks