Added compatibility with 25w06a snapshot.
Changed textures:
- Cold Cow variant changed to Moobloom from Minecraft: Earth.
- Cold Pig variant changed to Dirty Pig variant.
- Cold Cows and Pigs was changed because previosly I've taken the old textures from old Minecraft versions and games that looks more like the textures of variants in snapshot but now I want to take the oldest textures from Minecraft and games.
- Cold Chicken variant changed to Diamond Chicken from Minecraft 2.0 First April Fools Snapshot.
- Warm Chicken variant was changed to Cluckshroom from Minecraft: Earth.
Added compatibility with 25w05a snapshot.
Changed textures:
- Warm Cow changed to Cow Horse texture from 2.0 April Fools verison.
- Cold Cow changed to Wooly Cow from Minecraft: Earth.
- Pig texture changed to develop gray texture.
- Cherry Leaves changed to the first Pig texture bacuse it used Pig model as placeholder during development.
- Bush and Fireflu Bush textures changed to Shrub textures.
- Firefly particlke texture changed to Firefly from MinecraftL Story Mode.
- Pig texture changed to remove the snout that wasn't in it's first model.
- Changed Cow and Mooshroom textures to support new models.
Added compatibility with 25w03a snapshot.
- Model and texture of Wildflowers.
Added compatibility with 25w02a snapshot.
Changed textures:
- String as a block.
- Warm, cold and common Pig variants.
Changed textures:
- Glow Squid.
Changed textures:
- Half of a heart in HUD.
- Sculk Vibration Particle.
Added compatibility for 1.21.4 update.
Changed textures:
- Creaking.
Added compatibility with 24w26a snapshot.
Fixed the bug with Beds and Spawn Eggs from previous version of resource pack.
Changed textures:
- Leather Armor.
- Bow.
- Trial and Ominous Key.
- Skeleton and Wither Skeleton Skulls and Zombie, Creeper and Player Heads.
- Shield.
- Beacon Beam.
- End Crystal.
Added compatibility 24w45a snapshot.
Known issues: due to changes in vanilla models work bed models are bugged and spawn egg models are not changes with resource pack.
Changed textures:
- All the Wool types except Black and Brown.
- Bundles.
Added compatibility with 24w44a snapshot.
Changed textures:
- Potted Cactus.
- Resin Clump.
- Resin Brick.
- Resin Bricks.
- Block of Resin.
- Chisesed Resin Bricks.
- Resin Trim Material Palette.
Added compatibility with 1.21.2 release.
Changed textures:
- Lava.
- Lantern.
Added compatibility with 1.21.2 Pre-Release 2.
- Torchflower Seeds texture.
- Brush texture.
- Removed Empty Bubble texture.
Added compatibility with 24w38a snapshot.
Changed textures:
- Sculk Sensor.
Added compatibility with 24w37a snapshot.
- All Coral Blocks textures.
- Sweet Berries textures.
Compatibility with 24w36a snapshot.
Changed textures:
- Ender Dragon.
- Wanderer Trader.
- Trader Llama.
- Salmon Spawn Egg.
- Warden Spawn Egg.
- Spectral Arrow.
- Panda.
Added compatibility with the latest snapshots.
- «Unpacked» and «Baroque» Paintings.
- Bell texture and model.
- Sea Pickle texture and model.
- Elytra.
- Trial Key.
- Redstone Torch, Repeater and Comparator models and textures.
- Dragon Egg model.
- Banner Patterns.
- Arrows entity textures.
- Bee stinger texture.
- Bundle.
- End Portal Frame model.
Changed textures:
- Bee
- Chorus Plant model
- Redstone
Added compatibility with 24w21b snapshot.
Compatibility with 23w19a snapshot, 1.20.6 release.