THIS IS NOT THE MAIN PACK! This is an add-on pack for MS Painted which includes texture changes for the 1.21 update! Get the main pack here.
~ retextured wolf spawn egg
~ tweaked bogged spawn egg
+ textured new wolf variants
+ added bogged mushrooms
+ textured wolf armor dye overlay
+ textured wolf armor cracks
~ retextured menu header and footer
~ retextured scroller background
THIS IS NOT THE MAIN PACK! This is an add-on pack for MS Painted which includes texture changes for the 1.21 update! Get the main pack here.
+ textured vault
~ tweaked hopper inside (is used in vault)
~ fixed locked hopper
~ tweaked trial key
+ textured vault connection particle
~ updated menu panorama
~ fixed leash shader (credit to DartCat25)
~ fixed short grass
+ textured armadillo spawn egg
~ fixed short grass
~ fixed turtle scute
+ textured armadillo
~ fixed breezes eyes/eyebrows
+ textured text field
+ textured scrollbar
~ fixed oak and dark oak saplings using incorrect biome colour
~ fixed short grass
− removed oak leaves and vines from dark forest palette
~ fixed short grass
~ retextured and updated bat
~ recoloured arrow
+ textured snapshot realms graphic
~ fixed colour inconsistencies in realms icons
~ fixed language and accessibility icons
+ added Terralith support when using OptiFine/Continuity - biomes now appear with their correct Terralith colourmaps, and alpha islands blocks use their original MS Painted textures from MS Painted v1.0
+ added windswept forest biome to dark colourmap
~ recoloured light blue palette
~ retextured furnace
~ retextured dispenser and dropper
~ retextured piston sides
~ retextured hopper inside
~ retextured locked hopper
~ retextured bamboo sapling
~ retextured calcite
~ recoloured frogspawn
~ recoloured mangrove leaves
~ recoloured tuff
~ recoloured bamboo button
~ recoloured water [optifine/colormatic]
~ recoloured brewing stand base
~ tweaked and recoloured nether portal
~ tweaked oxidized copper colour palette
~ tweaked turtle egg
~ fixed birch log parent not culling
~ fixed basalt not having rotational placement
~ fixed oak leaves colour in swamps [optifine/continuity]
~ recoloured light blue palette
~ retextured shears
~ retextured painting
~ retextured frogspawn
~ retextured turtle egg
~ retextured bamboo
~ retextured melon and glitstering melon
~ tweaked enderman spawn egg
~ recoloured cow spawn egg
~ recoloured sheep spawn egg
~ recoloured arrow, bow's arrow, and crossbow's arrow
~ tweaked firework rocket
~ fixed birch log
+ added Terralith support when using OptiFine/Entity Texture Features - entities in alpha islands now appear with their original MS Painted textures from MS Painted v1.0
~ recoloured light blue palette
+ added muddy pig skin in swamps and mangrove swamps [optifine/entity texture features]
~ retextured baby cow [optifine/entity texture features]
~ retextured baby pig [optifine/entity texture features]
~ retextured baby sheep [optifine/entity texture features]
~ retextured baby villager [optifine/entity texture features]
~ recoloured and tweaked bat
~ tweaked banner pole
~ updated logo in pause menu
~ recoloured mojang loading screen [optifine]
~ recoloured empty heart and armour icons
THIS IS NOT THE MAIN PACK! This is an add-on pack for MS Painted which includes texture changes for the 1.21 update! Get the main pack here.
+ textured and tweaked model of trial spawner
~ tweaked spawner model
~ tweaked crafter top (crafting state)
~ fixed waxed copper door models
+ textured trial key
+ textured breeze spawn egg
+ textured breeze
+ textured wind charge
~ tweaked bat
+ textured trial spawner detection particles
+ textured gust particles
THIS IS NOT THE MAIN PACK! This is an add-on pack for MS Painted which includes texture changes for the 1.21 update! Get the main pack here.
~ tweaked tuff bricks to be consistent with new texture
~ tweaked waxed oxidized copper highlights colour
~ fixed rotation of copper trapdoor sides
~ fixed potted azaleas
THIS IS NOT THE MAIN PACK! This is an add-on pack for MS Painted which includes texture changes for the 1.21 update! Get the main pack here.
~ tweaked oxidized copper colour palette
+ textured copper doors
+ textured copper trapdoors
+ textured copper bulbs
+ textured copper grates
+ textured chiseled copper blocks
~ recoloured tuff
+ textured polished tuff, tuff bricks, chiseled tuff, and chiseled tuff bricks
+ textured all tuff walls
~ retextured crafter bottom
~ retextured bat spawn egg
+ textured copper doors
+ added wax border to all waxed copper blocks (only appears in inventory, not when placed)
~ retextured bat to fit new model
~ remodelled and retextured cactus
~ retextured bee nest top
~ retextured cyan glazed terracotta to match new creeper face
~ recoloured piston
~ recoloured tuff
~ tweaked suspicious gravel
~ tweaked netherite shovel
~ updated oak and birch saplings
~ recoloured horse and llama chests
~ tweaked bed model to fix z-fighting [optifine/custom entity models]
~ fixed inconsistencies in chest colours
~ recoloured entire oak palette
^ recoloured crafting table
~ recoloured dirt path
+ added secondary stage growth textures/models to all saplings
+ added unique texture for sand in beaches [optifine/continuity]
+ added unique texture for grass block top in forests, birch forests, dark forests, and jungles [optifine/continuity]
~ retextured and recoloured birch leaves
~ retextured acacia grass block top [optifine/continuity]
~ retextured acacia leaves
~ retextured redstone wire
~ retextured and remodelled melon and pumpkin stems
~ retextured all walls
~ retextured end stone and end stone bricks
~ retextured flower pot
~ retextured/remodelled potted cactus
~ retextured and animated beacon
~ retextured all buttons and animated powered buttons
~ retextured barrier
~ retextured dandelion, oxeye daisy, poppy, allium, azure bluet, all tulips, lilac bush, rose bush, peony bush
~ retextured tall grass
~ retextured podzol top
~ retextured mycelium
~ retextured birch log
~ retextured bone block and added variants
~ retextured spruce sapling
~ retextured polished basalt
~ retextured all terracotta
~ retextured and reverted model of cauldron
~ retextured sweet berry bush
~ retextured fern
~ retextured clay
~ animated all powered pressure plates
~ animated powered lever
~ animated crimson and warped stems
~ animated powered redstone lamp and added random rotation
~ animated all light emitting blocks
~ animated redstone block
~ animated powered redstone repeater and comparator
~ recoloured red nether bricks
~ recoloured birch saplings
~ recoloured prismarine
~ recoloured deep dark colourmap
~ recoloured cherry grove grass block colourmap
~ recoloured honey and honeycomb block
~ recoloured beetroot crops
~ tweaked dirt and grass sides
~ tweaked texture and model of jukebox and animated when playing
~ tweaked slime block
~ tweaked cracked textures and optimised model of turtle eggs
~ tweaked and animated powered lightning rod
~ tweaked gravel
~ tweaked mob spawner
~ tweaked and re-animated campfires
~ tweaked sea lantern
~ tweaked ancient debris
~ tweaked danger, heart, heartbreak, and skull pottery sherds
~ tweaked torch, soul torch, and redstone torch
~ flipped deepslate bricks
~ fixed potted fern
~ fixed upside down sandstone and red sandstone stairs
− removed shade from iron bars
~ retextured all tools/weapons
~ retextured flint and flint and steel
~ retextured redstone dust, gunpowder, glowstone dust, and sugar
~ retextured bread
~ retextured coal and charcoal
~ retextured raw and cooked beef and porkchop
~ retextured firework star and firework rocket
~ retextured and animated fire charge
~ retextured apple and golden apples
~ retextured snowball
~ retextured potato, poisonous potato, and baked potato
~ retextured amethyst shard
~ retextured bell
~ retextured bee spawn egg
~ retextured heart of the sea
~ retextured beetroot and recoloured beetroot seeds
~ retextured paper
~ animated nether star
~ recoloured honey bottle and honeycomb
~ recoloured netherite ingot
~ tweaked cauldron
~ tweaked lead
~ tweaked slimeball and slime spawn egg
~ tweaked anvils
~ tweaked danger, heart, heartbreak, and skull pottery patterns
~ tweaked all waxed copper blocks for better differentiation
~ retextured pigscene
~ retextured pointer
~ retextured fighters
~ retextured earth, wind, water, fire
~ tweaked graham
~ retextured creeper
~ retextured enderman
~ retextured sheep
~ retextured bee
~ retextured heart of the sea in conduit
~ retextured painting back
~ recoloured ender dragon
~ recoloured cow
~ recoloured magma cube
~ retextured and remodelled item frame
~ tweaked ender chest
~ retextured menu panorama
~ fixed all mipmapping issues
~ updated GUI formatting into separate sprites
~ updated some map icons and textured new village/structure icons
~ retextured end portal
~ tweaked font
− removed all mod support besides modmenu
~ retextured dried kelp
~ fixed sniffer egg breaking mipmap
~ fixed door culling
~ fixed item tooltip (thanks to DartCat25)
+ textured bamboo block
+ textured and modelled bamboo button and pressure plate
+ textured bamboo door and trapdoor
+ textured and modelled fence and fence gate
+ textured bamboo planks and bamboo mosaic
+ textured stripped bamboo
+ textured calibrated sculk sensor
+ textured cherry button and pressure plate
+ textured cherry door and trapdoor
+ textured and modelled cherry fence
+ textured cherry sapling
+ textured chiseled bookshelf
+ textured stripped cherry log
+ textured and remodelled pink petals
+ textured pitcher plant and crop
+ textured torchflower plant and crop
+ textured sniffer egg
+ textured suspicious sand and gravel
~ recoloured all jungle wood blocks to differentiate from cherry wood blocks
~ retextured all wool
~ retextured blue ice
~ recoloured mangrove roots and muddy mangrove roots
~ recoloured melon
~ tweaked red cut sandstone block sand slabs
~ tweaked composter top
~ tweaked dirt path side
~ tweaked blue ice
~ tweaked loom
+ textured all hanging signs
+ textured all pottery sherds
+ textured all smithing templates
+ textured bamboo button
+ textured bamboo raft and chest raft
+ textured bamboo door
+ textured bamboo sign
+ textured brush
+ textured camel spawn egg
+ textured cherry boat and chest boat
+ textured cherry button
+ textured cherry door
+ textured cherry sapling
+ textured cherry sign
+ textured relic music disc
+ textured pink petals
+ textured pitcher plant and pitcher pod
+ textured torchflower and torchflower seeds
+ textured sniffer egg
+ textured sniffer spawn egg
~ recoloured all jungle wood items to differentiate from cherry wood items
+ textured bamboo raft and chest raft
+ textured cherry boat and chest boat
~ recoloured jungle boat to differentiate from cherry boat
+ textured camel
+ textured sniffer
+ textured decorated pot and patterns
+ textured all hanging signs
~ fixed squid teeth being transparent
+ textured all armour trims
+ textured cherry leaf particles
~ updated enchanted glint textures
~ tweaked spyglass overlay
~ retextured warden sonic boom
~ moved menu creation UI textures from 1.20 patch to here
~ tweaked night vision effect icon
+ textured mangrove pressure plate
~ fixed warped and crimson fence break particles
~ fixed incorrect culling on bottom, right, open doors
~ fixed nether brick fence not reflecting block texture
~ fixed cocoa bean stage 2 model
+ textured chat report button
+ textured chat tags
~ tweaked minecraft logo
~ tweaked mojang loading screen
~ tweaked realms trial icon