- Flowers and pebbles now appear on grass
- New oak leaves texture
- New birch log texture
- New birch leaves texture
- New lily pad texture
- New ladder texture
- New dirt path side texture
- New snowy grass side texture
- New mycelium side texture
- New podzol side texture
- New oxeye daisy texture
- New jukebox texture
- New bow texture
- New bread texture
- New ender pearl texture
- New raw and cooked chicken texture
- New leather texture
- New saddle texture
- New door icons
- New sign icons
- New hanging sign icons
- New painting icon
- All torches now look appear in 3D in first person
- New creeper texture
- New skeleton texture
- Every container has been updated
- Widget buttons now use nine-slice formatting
- New rain texture
- Changed the entity shadow texture to be pixel consistent
Beta v0.3.5
A bit of a smaller update compared to last one, hope y'all don't mind!
- Updated to 1.21.4
- Overhauled the planks (again)
- New flower pot texture
- New dandelions
- New sunflowers
- New sticks
- New shears
- New name tags
- Slightly altered the GUI buttons
- Removed the lower shield model
Beta v0.3
Updated to 1.21.3, some features may not work on older versions.
New Features
- New cobblestone
- New torches
- New inventory GUIs
- New slot highlight
- New tooltips
- New ping icons
- New jump bar
- Lowered the shield in first person
- New hunger bar, includes support for Appleskin and VanillaTweaks' Hunger preview pack.
- Made changes to the hearts in the health bar
- Made changes to the air bubbles
- Remade the hotbar
- Made changes to the attack indicator
- Made changes to the crosshair
- Made changes to the language icon
- Made changes to the Font
Beta v0.2
- Added 1.21 support
- Grass has been tweaked to be less uniform and noisy.
- Tweaked the font.
- Crafting table has been redone.
- Added changes to the HUD, this includes:
- The hearts
- The armor
- The air bubbles
- The experience bar
- The hotbar
- The menu buttons
- All the planks
- Grass, Mycelium, Podzol, Dirt paths and Farmland
- Dirt, Rooted dirt and Coarse dirt
- Oak door, trapdoor
- Oak log, oak leaves
- Crafting Table
- Bedrock
- Chainmail armour
- Diamonds
- Fishing rods
- Leather
- Saddles