-Added NPC Trainer compatability. Should now work with Radical Trainers. A HUGE Thank you to KaiserEA in the discord for helping me figure out what I messed up in the original builds! It was a massive help. Full Credits will be in the new Page description.
-Removed Zinnia Track duplicate.
-Fixed Battletune intros not playing properly.
-Created a Minecraft Soundtrack Replacement Pack.
-Created a seperate pack for PokeCries.
-Adjusted Redux Packs, reducing to 3. One for each sound type addition: Soundtrack, BattleTunes, SFX.
-If you are using Radical Trainers, the BattleTunes for PVN only work with the newst version running on the Radical Trainers API. The CobblemonTrainers (Discontinued API) does not work with this pack.
Please let me know in my Discord if you have any issues!
This update fixes some packaging mistakes I made for the main files and should hopefully address some more of the ambience issues by adding additional strings to the sounds.json files.
Fixes the missing Ambience by adding back in the Ambient Cries removed in the last update.
Also fixes missing battle Music in the BattleTunes-Soundtrack Redux Version.
NOTE* There is an issue where Cobblemon plays both the "Pokemon Cry" and the "Ambient Cry" simultaniously when sending out a partner Pokemon. I am looking into a solution, but it appears to be a Core Mod issue.
All duplicate Ambient Cries as of Cobblemon 1.5.2 have been removed. New Redux Versions are available. You only need ONE, unless you plan on mixing and matching.
Added SFX Compatability with Advancement Plagues.
Removed Pokemon Soundtracks. Full Version must now be downloaded externally.