[~] Fixed a bug where the dungeon might not appear.
[~] Fixed a bug where the dungeon time was not running.
[~] Fixed a bug where the dungeon could not be deleted.
[~] Fixed a bug where region dependency was required.
[~] Hologram bugs fixed.
[~] Fixed minor bugs.
[~] Fixed a bug where the bossbar did not disappear from the player when the dungeon was canceled.
[+] Added support for GriefDefender and GriefPrevention plugins.
[+] Added support for PAPI - https://github.com/getplusm/Dungeons/wiki/Placeholders
[+] Added a setting to ignore air blocks to the region.
[+] Added advanced region setting in the editor.
[~] Completely new location generator. Fewer false positives and higher speed. Generation occurs at the stage of preparing the dungeon, and not during its appearance. Now you can configure it in config.
[~] The system for searching for a chest block has been rewritten, now if any of the schematics does not contain a chest block, then it will be removed from the list of active schematics. Also, if after that, the dungeon has no active schematics left, then the dungeon will not be loaded (all this is displayed in the console).
✨With wonderful support and frequent updates, each of your adventures becomes exciting and filled with fun❤ Leave your enthusiastic review and become part of our magical team, creating enchanting moments together💌
~ Fixed a bug when the minimum or maximum number of items was not saved.
~ Minor fixes.
+ Added support for multiple chests. Now, you can set the number of blocks that will be chests.
+ /dungeon editor changes. Now it has a nice design and intuitive buttons. Added chest material setting.
+ Added support for underground dungeons, now you can choose where the dungeon will spawn. Be careful, because if the dungeon is underground and you are using the region plugin, then you need to add the appropriate rights so that the player can break blocks before the dungeon.
~ Location search generator optimized.
~ Fixed dungeon creation.
+ Added FAWE support.
+ Added the command /dungeon drop <world> random - you can spawn a dungeon in a random location, previously you could only specify a location.
+ Introduced new settings:
- Click Timer - Determines whether the timer for dungeon opening will be activated upon activation using the CLICK method.
- Big Chest - Determines whether a small chest (27 slots) or a large chest (54 slots) will be used.
- Random Slots - Determines how items will be placed in the dungeon chest. 'true' - in random slots, 'false' - in sequential order.
+ Added settings for regions, including name, radius, and flags.
+ Added an option for effects.
+ Added a setting that allows you to disable notifications in the boss bar.
+ Completely overhauled the regions system. Now you can create an empty region by simply adding an empty schematic, or you can choose not to create a region at all.
- WorldEdit is now optional.
+ Improved location search system.
+ Improved schematic system.
+ All possible settings are now available in the /dungeon editor.
✨With wonderful support and frequent updates, each of your adventures becomes exciting and filled with fun❤ Leave your enthusiastic review and become part of our magical team, creating enchanting moments together💌
Editor Showcase
+ Added support for MMOItems and ItemsAdder plugins.
To add items from these plugins, take the items into your inventory, go to /dungeon editor -> your dungeon -> rewards -> and add rewards quickly by dragging the item onto the + icon. That's it! Afterwards, you can configure the displayed name, chance, and limit.
+ Added the "use" flag for dungeon regions. Now, the dungeon region can be configured to be disabled and have its name changed.
+ Added the command /dungeon despawn <* - all, dungeon-id>. Permission: dungeons.command.despawn
+ Improved the dungeon spawning system.
+ Updated location search system. Now, you can customize the generator in the config.yml file. You can specify either the search radius or the barrier radius.
! Fixed a bug where it was possible to visually set the chance of an item above 100.
! Fixed a bug where the menu title was not updating.
- The WorldGuard plugin is now optional.
MMOItems & ItemsAdder preview:
![MMOItems Preview](https://wsrv.nl/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.discordapp.com%2Fattachments%2F810884357543165963%2F1132723730699796601%2F2023-07-23_21.19.21.png&n=-1)
![ItemsAdder Preview](https://wsrv.nl/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.discordapp.com%2Fattachments%2F810884357543165963%2F1132723730263572500%2F2023-07-23_22.00.45.png&n=-1)
Fixed when all rewards were replaced with diamonds
Fixed bugs with the language (delete the lang folder if you want)
Fixed that bossbar was not deleted after disabling the plugin
Fixed display of placeholders in edit mode
Fixed the message about waiting, opening and closing
[+] Added support for DecentHolograms
[+] Added support for versions 1.18.2, 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 (and 1.17.1, etc.)
[+] Added setting of the minimum number of players for spawn dungeon
[+] Added displacement of the hologram along the Y axis
[+] Added all the necessary settings for the editor /dungeon editor
Rewritten the test dungeon file test.yml to ensure everything works correctly, please delete the dungeon folder
Rewards items have been fixed. Now they can only be modified through the /dungeon editor, as they are saved in base64 format to avoid any damage.
Fixed the test schematic file. Now the plugin will load it into the folder.
Fixed the /dungeon drop command. Now the location is displayed correctly and works properly.
Fixed the region restore system, it will no longer trigger if the dungeon was not installed due to an error.