- Added JsonEM
- Added 3D Skin Layers
- Added View Bobbing Options
- Downgraded Elytra Trims to 3.4.4 (to fix slot mismatch issue)
- Updated Mods (except for enhancedvisuals and Elytra Trims)
- Changed Entity Model Features preventFirstPersonHandAnimating to true (fixes 3D skin layers not following hand properly)
Known Issues:
- There's a longtime bug with horses where when looking down at water through a horse the water will be invisible. If you aren't running shaders, this can be fixed by just changing your graphics to fabulous. With shaders, I can't get it be fixed. its unclear if this will ever be fixed which is why i dont know if ive ever mentioned it. Ill try to set out some time to talk to the dev and see if its possible to fix at all.
- The new update to visual workbench is scuffed it turns smithing tables that are from worldgen to have crafting table ui. its not game breaking. if you pick it up and place it back down its fine
- the modpack creator is very stupid so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
yay most of the bugged stuff is fixed i think
- Added CIT Resewn
- Added Better Tridents
- Removed More Babies
- Removed Snuffles (😔)
- Updated Mods (except for enhancedvisuals)
Known Issues:
- The new update to visual workbench is scuffed it turns smithing tables that are from worldgen into crafting tables. its not game breaking. if you pick it up and place it back down its fine
- resource packs using CIT Resewn will need to be updated to use the new 1.21 format to work correctly (for example xali's Enchanted Books)
- the better tridents mod is fully functional as far as i can tell except for loyalty not bringing back the item drops
- the modpack creator is very stupid so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
nothing special to put here this time around so here is a new resource pack I helped make for the netherite horse armor you can get in this modpack
Due to some problems with the new Modrinth app several folders did not get included in the last update. With this version I manually added them. The fix for that problem should be added to the modrinth app soon (hopefully)
Edit: There's a problem somewhere with the elytra rendering in in the inventory. It's fine when worn. I'll reproduce the issue sometime soon so I can figure out exactly what's causing it and send in a bug report
- Added Xaero's Map Chest Tracker Integration
- Added Cubes Without Borders
- Readded Nyf's Spiders
- Removed ResolutionControl3
- Removed Concentration
- Updated Mods (except for enhancedvisuals which yet again is causing problems)
- Increased Piglin Brute netherite nugget drop chance to 35%
- Increased Fallingtree chop and scan size significantly (this might be a bad idea but only one way to find out)
- Removed some unnecessary configs
Known Issues:
- the modpack creator is very stupid so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
i might stall out the vr update in favor of making a alternate version of this pack that supports Geyser aka bedrock players joining the server. Which will require me to strip out a bunch of mods. So kinda like Proxi's Vanilla Lite or Proxi's Vanilla Together or something
- Added AdoraBuild: Structures
- Readded Visible Traders (thank you Ramixin)
- Readded EnhancedVisuals
- Removed Alternate Current
- Removed Auto Reauth
- Removed AutoRelog
- Removed Enhanced Cats
- Updated Mods
As you can see a lot of things were removed in this update. But I'm glad to have Visible Traders back. What I really wanted to do for this update is to improve exploring and finding structures even further. But I think it has kind of hit a ceiling if I want it to stay vanilla styled. I toyed around with the When Dungeons Arise mod for like an hour before accepting that it was just too far from vanilla. Which sucks because I really wanted it. So I looked elsewhere and AdoraBuild actually looks really good. It'll do for now. I don't know much more that I can add
- Added Capes
- Added Durability Tooltip
- Added Better F1 Reborn
- Added Dimension Viewer
- Added Axolotl Buckets
- Added Bad Horse Fix
- Added Wise Elytra
- Added Formations Nether
- Added Formations Overworld
- Added Not Enough Crashes
- Added Neurina Ticking Entity Fixer
- Added AutoRelog
- Added Auto Reauth
- Added Stylish Stiles
- Added Enchantment Lore
- Added Connected Doors
- Added Simple Modpack Update Checker
- Added Additional Structures
- Removed Double Doors
- Updated Mods
- Added Rethinking Voxels
- I've had the No Chat Reports client config in the wrong place the whole time and I've only realized now so now. That's finally fixed. (it's there to disable the verified server icon because it overlaps with the BCC icon)
Known Issues:
- the modpack creator is very stupid so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
- It seems like the issue of random server lag is gone so that's good
In the future I'll include a resource pack expanding the Enchantment Lore to the modded enchant books in the modpack (Soon™)
I'm going to refrain from adding many more server mods for things like player management. I'll just add them to my server specifically. I am thinking about making a second version of this modpack that has those extras designed just for servers where you want to have extra features for a lot of players. We'll see
I know my strategy of including config files is terrible for people who like changing the values in the files I include. It gets overwritten every modpack update. I'll fix it sometime in the future. (Another Soon™)
- Added Packet Fixer
- Added Item Obliterator
- Added Smooth Scrolling Refurbished
- Added WayGL
- Added Mc122477Fix re updated
- Added Better Mace
- Added Hammer Mace
- Added Only Hammers (you're welcome, Dad)
- Added Enhanced Cats
- Added ServerAddressSpaceFix
- Added Endless Music
- Added Riding Mouse Fix
- Added Craftable Bell
- Added ThreatenGL
- Updated Mods
- Increased Piglin Brute netherite nugget drop rate
Known Issues:
- the modpack creator is less than smart so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
im still getting completely random lag on my server. doesnt appear to be any pattern to when it starts. restarting fixes it completely. ill keep an eye on it and try to figure out the cause
- Added Right Click Chest Boat
- Added Pale
- Removed Glowing Glow Squids
- Removed Villagers Buy Ender Pearls (Cleric)
- Updated Mods
- Made babies not spawn naturally
Known Issues:
- the modpack creator is very stupid so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
removed glowing glow squids and villagers buy ender pearls because after 4 hours of testing i finally narrowed the 500+ server tick lag to those two
- Added More Axolotl Variants
- Added More Totems of Undying
- Added More Babies
- Added More Heart Types
- Added More Brushes
- Added Enchant Tooltips
- Added Glow Ink Plus
- Added Glow Squids Actually Glow
- Added Useful Mobs
- Added Better Recipe Book
- Added Better Climbing
- Added Better Iron&Gold Recycling
- Added Copper&Diamond&Netherite Recycling
- Added Better Walls
- Added BetterShields
- Added Better Sniffers
- Added Improved Stone Smelting
- Added Villagers Buy Ender Pearls (Cleric)
- Added Totem Anywhere
- Removed Unlock All Recipes
- Removed Inventory Totem
- Updated Mods
Known Issues:
- the modpack creator is very stupid so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
congrats on the wedding Rays and C_doggy
- Added TT20 (TPS Fixer)
- Added Netherite Extras
- Re-Added Enhanced Visuals
- Updated Mods
Known Issues:
- In multiplayer servers, the crafting table,
enchant table, and anvil(fixed) don't break quicker with their respective tool.You still need to use a pick for the enchant table and anvil to drop when broken. - the modpack creator is very stupid so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
very pog update
- Added Soul Candles
- Added Improved Signs
- Added Open Parties and Claims
- Added Global Packs
- Added Universal Graves
- Readded Soulbound Enchantment
- Readded Horseshoes
- Removed Enhanced Visuals (fully)
- Removed Gravestones
- Removed Simple Voice Chat Music
- Tweaked Liberty's Villagers config to prevent villager teleporting
Known Issues:
- In multiplayer servers, the crafting table, enchant table, and anvil don't break quicker with their respective tool. You still need to use a pick for the enchant table and anvil to drop when broken.
- the modpack creator is very stupid so he keeps messing stuff up (true)
very pog update