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Это новая сборка на загрузчике NeoForge. Весь список модов:
- ModernFix [5.10.2+mc1.20.4] by embeddedt
- Cloth Config v13 API [13.0.114] by shedaniel
- Embeddium [0.2.13+mc1.20.4] by embeddedt
- Ksyxis [1.2.2] by VidTu
- Ferrite Core [6.0.3 ] by malte0811
- Bad Packets [0.5.4] by deirn
- Packet Fixer [1.2.2] by TonimatasDEV
- AppleSkin [2.5.1+mc1.20.2 ] by squeek
- Chat Heads [0.10.27] by dzwdz, Fourmisain
- Roughly Enough Items (REI) [14.0.680] by shedaniel
- ImmediatelyFast [1.2.8+1.20.4] by RK_01
- EntityCulling [] by tr7zw
- Remove Reloading Screen [3.2.3+mc1.20.2-forge] by dima_dencep
- Collective [7.23] by Rick South
- Architectury [11.0.9] by shedaniel
Сравнил версию Quilt и Fabric. Теперь они максимально схожи. Список модов:
- kennytv's epic force close loading screen mod for Fabric [2.2.0] by kennytv
- Sodium Extra [0.5.3+mc1.20.2-build.114] by FlashyReese
- LazyDFU [0.1.3] by tuxed
- NotEnoughAnimations [1.6.4] by tr7zw
- Boat Item View Fabric [0.0.5] by 50ap5ud5, Treblero
- Reese's Sodium Options [1.7.0+mc1.20.2-build.97] by FlashyReese
- Cull Less Leaves [1.3.0] by isXander
- Status Effect Bars [1.0.4] by Neecko5b84
- Perspective Mod Redux [0.0.5_01] by Cynosphere
- MoreChatHistory [1.1.1] by JackFred
- Zoomify [2.12.0] by isXander
- Screenshot to Clipboard [1.0.9] by comp500
- Custom Entity Models [0.8.0] by dorianpb
- Fabric Language Kotlin [1.10.16+kotlin.1.9.21] by FabricMC
- Better Statistics Screen [lwRehylW]
- Dynamic FPS [3.3.1] by juliand665, LostLuma
- Camera Utils [hvgbx9bY]
- Gamma Utils [1.7.18] by Sjouwer
- Cloth Config v12 [YFpDLLdu]
- FerriteCore [6.0.3] by malte0811
- Fabric API [JQ07mKWY]
- Chat Heads [0.10.27] by dzwdz, Fourmisain
- EntityCulling [] by tr7zw
- ImmediatelyFast [1.2.8+1.20.4] by RK_01
- Iris [Xl7oywRL]
- Sodium [InGKdfel]
- Mod Menu [sjtVVlsA]
- ModernFix [MypV6XBd]
- Starlight [HZYU0kdg]
- Very Many Players [7ORmCVy9]
- Xaero's World Map [77dzlHmz]
- WhereIsIt [29jbVBn0]
- YetAnotherConfigLib [cwavYrLH]
- Mouse Wheelie [73ivfwq5]
- Eating Animation [OeBVALjb]
- OptiGUI [xpfegZsE]
- Raised [ZSvD52HS]
- Remove Reloading Screen [58tB8V4C]
- Stendhal [GPeTJmd2]
- FabricSkyboxes [XGzaAlX8]
- Indium [tD2IqHXC]
- Auth Me [HhWVxCH0]
- Puzzle [1srBlHhv]
- Bobby [Byj5ahzr]
- No Telemetry [tmHWmt1u]
- Ksyxis [Y33CP7Sd]
- Entity View Distance [gLlBbHbZ]
- Roughly Enough Items (REI) [b7I0fO7t]
- Blur (Fabric) [zzelzVhK]
- Architectury API [TDrn8LU6]
Обновил до 1.20.4 Весь список модов:
- NotEnoughAnimations [1.6.4] by tr7zw
- Boat Item View Fabric [0.0.5] by 50ap5ud5, Treblero
- Bad Packets [0.5.4] by deirn
- LambDynamicLights [2.3.3+1.20.2] by LambdAurora
- Eating Animation [1.20+1.9.5] by theone_ss, spusik_, PinkGoosik, DoctorNight1
- Reese's Sodium Options [1.7.0+mc1.20.2-build.97] by FlashyReese
- Mouse Wheelie [1.13.3+mc1.20.4] by Siphalor
- ImmediatelyFast [1.2.8+1.20.4] by RK_01
- Mod Menu [9.0.0] by Prospector, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- Gamma Utils [1.7.18] by Sjouwer
- Status Effect Bars [1.0.4] by Neecko5b84
- Not Enough Crashes [4.4.6+1.20.2] by Fourmisain, Fudge, Liach, Madis0, Runemoro, Siuolplex, WuzgXY, the456gamer, wafflecoffee
- Cloth Config v13 [13.0.114] by shedaniel
- DCCH [2.0+1.17] by anar4732, Emmaffle
- Borderless Mining [1.1.9+1.20.2] by comp500
- FerriteCore [6.0.3] by malte0811
- Simple Voice Chat [1.20.4-2.4.32] by Max Henkel
- Capes [1.5.3+1.20.2] by Cael
- Krypton [0.2.4] by tuxed
- Remove Reloading Screen [3.2.3+mc1.20.2-fabric] by dima_dencep
- Stendhal [1.4.1-1.20.2] by NebSpacefarer
- FabricSkyBoxes [0.7.3+mc1.20.2] by AMereBagatelle
- Model Gap Fix [1.14] by Mehvahdjukaar
- Raised [3.1.0] by yurisuika
- Xaero's World Map [1.37.5] by Xaero96
- Perspective Mod Redux [0.0.5_01] by Cynosphere
- Language Reload [1.5.10+1.20.3] by Jerozgen
- Very Many Players [0.2.0+beta.7.135] by ishland
- Fabric API [0.91.3+1.20.4] by FabricMC
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks [3.2.1] by Rynnavinx
- YetAnotherConfigLib [3.3.1+1.20.4] by isXander
- Auth Me [8.0.0+1.20.4] by Axieum
- Lithium [0.12.0] by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- Noisium [1.0.2+mc1.20.x] by Steveplays28
- Starlight [1.1.3+fabric.f5dcd1a] by Spottedleaf
- Puzzle [1.6.1+1.20.4] by PuzzleMC, Motschen
- OptiGUI [2.1.7] by opekope2
- Nether Coords [2.0.1] by CaelenO42
- Enhanced Block Entities [0.9.1+1.20.2] by FoundationGames
- MaLiLib [0.18.0] by masa
- Bobby [5.0.3] by johni0702
- No Telemetry [1.8.0 ] by kb1000
- FeyTweaks [1.20.2-1.2.8] by Feytox
- Quilt Kotlin Libraries [2.1.3] by QuiltMC: Quilt Kotlin Team
- Ksyxis [1.2.2] by VidTu
- Zoomify [2.12.0] by isXander
- EntityCulling [] by tr7zw
- Just Enough Items [] by mezz
- Litematica [0.17.0] by masa
- Blur (Fabric) [3.2.0] by tterrag1098, Motschen, Pyrofab, backryun, byquanton
- Screenshot to Clipboard [1.0.9] by comp500
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine [0.2.0+alpha.11.38] by RelativityMC, ishland
- oωo [0.11.4+1.20.2] by glisco, BasiqueEvangelist, Noaaan
- Custom Entity Models [0.8.0] by dorianpb
- Better Statistics Screen [3.6.1+fabric-1.20.4] by TheCSDev
- Sodium Extra [0.5.3+mc1.20.2-build.114] by FlashyReese
- Indium [1.0.28+mc1.20.4] by comp500
- Sodium [0.5.5] by @jellysquid3
- Iris [1.6.14] by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
Обновил содиум, и добавил ещё парочку модов. Весь список:
- WI Zoom [1.5-MC1.20.3] by Alexander01998
- Noisium [1.0.2+mc1.20.x] by Steveplays28
- Fabric API [0.91.1+1.20.3] by FabricMC
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine [0.2.0+alpha.11.32] by RelativityMC, ishland
- Lithium [0.12.0] by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- More Culling [1.20.1-0.19.0] by FX - PR0CESS
- EntityCulling-Fabric [1.6.2-mc1.20.1] by tr7zw
- Blendium [1.0.1+mc1.20.x] by Steveplays28, null511
- ImmediatelyFast [1.2.7+1.20.2] by RK_01
- Xaero's World Map [1.37.2] by Xaero96
- Xaero's Minimap [23.9.2] by Xaero96
- Cloth Config v12 [12.0.109] by shedaniel
- Enhanced Block Entities [0.9.1+1.20.2] by FoundationGames
- Very Many Players [0.2.0+beta.7.132] by ishland
- MoreChatHistory [1.1.1] by JackFred
- ModernFix [5.10.0+mc1.20.3] by embeddedt
- Sodium [0.5.4] by @jellysquid3
- Mod Menu [9.0.0-pre.1] by Prospector, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- Starlight [1.1.3+fabric.0c447bf] by Spottedleaf
- View Distance Fix [1.20.3-1.0.1] by Max Henkel
- Mod Loading Screen [1.0.4] by Gaming32
- Dynamic FPS [3.2.1] by juliand665, LostLuma
- CalcMod [fabric-1.20.2-1.3.1] by js802025, shadeydo
- Gamma Utils [1.7.18] by Sjouwer
- Dark Graph [1.1.1] by EcoBuilder13