- 0887059 - BetterPVP compatibility
- 189e820 - pl_pl translation - submitted by CaptainRexPL
- 99ddb52 - optimize mem + cpu in minimap background and map highlight rendering
- 4382ac7 - Object allocation and optional performance optimizations
- b7de083 - remove fast mapping delay setting
- 55b1f12 - update fast mapping defaults and tooltips
- efa5d66 - add baritone right click options to waypoint elements
- 42e8b44 - reflection micro-optimization
- 8d493c5 - move chunk writing off render event
- 769b545 - drop support for NewChunksV1
- 029824b - ru_ru translation - submitted by sashawai
- 5034b56 - ru_ru translation - submitted by sashawai
- 68e3ecb - Portals Highlighting feature
- 2a3a67b - WM1.31.0 MM23.6.0
- 4d0b713 - additional zh_cn translations