New version comes with a new setting screen, Minecraft 1.20.5 support and many bugfixes.
- Video Settings screen rework
- Fixed VoxelShape conflict when using Lithium causing gaps between blocks (e.g. grass paths, farmlands)
- Fixed bug where some biomes ware not considered for chunk building
- Fixed wrong entity color encoding
- Fixed borderless window wrong position and dimensions
- Fixed upload corruption caused on some state changes (e.g. world load/unload)
This version brings multiple performance improvements and new graphical feature:
- CPU and GPU rendering up to 15-30% faster depending on hardware.
- Smoother frametime on higher render distances.
- Chunk building (loading) up to 5x times faster.
- New lighting system which takes into account non-full blocks for ambient occlusion (needs to be enabled on Video Settings -> Smooth Lighting -> On (Sub-block)).
- GPU performance uplift by rendering on swap chain images directly
- Reduced GPU memory consumption and improved performance by using per rendertype buffers
- Reduced GPU memory usage due to AreaBuffer rework
- CPU performance improvement when using direct draw due to removal of section offset push constants
- Reworked section graph and bfs to improve performance and frame time stability
- Improved chunk build time by up to 5 times
- New Sub-block AO (needs to be enabled in video settings)
- Fixed world border not rendering
- Fixed crash when minimizing window while loading a world
- Fixed screenshots color swapping when using swap chain BGR format
- Fixed lighting bug on text rendertype
- Fixed some errors on vertex encoding
- Fixed errors on color encoding
- Fixed window border bug on Wayland-Gnome
- Fixed crash when using breeze_rendertype
- Fixed crash when loading data packs
- Fixed GlTexture crash due to wrong target check
- Mipmap level is now updated on setting change
- Removed deprecated GUI optimzations setting
- Improved grass (and grass like) texture rendering with Unique Opaque Layer on
- Improved particle rendering performance up to 2-3x (worst case)
- Added post effect compatibility (e.g. glowing effect is now rendering correctly)
- Implemented gl Framebuffers
- Improved overall gl compatibility
- Fixed bug affecting entity culling
- Fixed missing auto screenshot after world load
Updated to Minecraft 1.20.2
- Added Entity Culling with relative option
- Removed dynamic rendering to bring back older devices compatibility
- Improved mod compatibility
- Fixed crash on startup when (not supported) fabulous graphics setting was selected
- Fixed freeze when using Alt+Tab on AMD + Windows
- Fixed bug causing no rendering and lag on level change