- Fixed punctuation in Video Settings
- Added a HiDPI Fix (the bug where minecraft doesnt fill the window on higher display scaling settings)
- Added sounds for Tools/Armor Breaking, Eating, Sheep Shearing and Chest Opening/Closing
- Added Dropped Item Size Fix
- Added Slab Crash Fix
- Fixed compatibility with VBE
- Fix Torches not having a bottom texture
- Fix Grass Block Item not being rendered properly
- Add Fence Jumping (only for player)
- Fix the version number color in main menu being wrong with panorama enabled
- Add the ability to ignite entities using Flint and Steel
- Allow shears to harvest Tall Grass
- Add Armor Outlines to Player Inventory
- Add a step Assist button to the Controls Menu
- Fix UniTweaks kebyinds not saving
- Add the ability to place trapdoors without supporting block
- Fixed Dismount Key crashing in Multiplayer
- Fixed compatibility with Apron (FurnaceBlockEntityMixin, InGameHudMixin, TrapdoorBlockMixin)
- Marked as breaks with FinalBeta
- Fixed Panorama on AMD Graphics cards
- Fixed sliders in Video Settings not being slideable
- FPS Limit Slider
- Zoom Key
- Fix Dismount Key turning red when conflicting with Sneaking
- Fix fish sometimes flying behind player
- Fix furnaces consuming the bucket when using lava as fuel
- Fix Dismount Keybind in Multiplayer
- Fix Minecarts being instantly stopped by Items and Arrows
- Make hotbar slots and function keys rebindable
- Added a dismount keybind
- FullscreenCursorFix
- Fix Bows not being held as bow but as an item
- Added Hoe Grass for Seeds
- Fixed leg armor not adjusting when riding
- Added Main Menu Panorama with custom panorama
- In-Game version number with the ability to set a custom one
- Ability to turn on the Unlicensed Copy Text
- Fixed selected ItemStack rendering below text in inventory
- Ability to hide the achievement toast
- Added Boat Elevators
- Added climbing with Ladder Gaps
- Added Minecart Boosters
- Ability to disable Entity IDs in the F3 Debug Screen
- Fixed compatibility with Apron in the PressurePlateBlockMixin
- BetaTweaks is now marked as breaks
- Allow clearing text fields by right clicking them
- Added Fast Leaf Decay
- Holding SHIFT while placing blocks will now ignore container actions, allowing to place blocks on furnaces etc.
- Flowing lava now disappears when lava source block is removed
- Harvestable Cobwebs using shears
- Increased chicken hitbox size to the modern size
- Added an option to not use flint and steel durability on failed/repeated ignite
- Better Burning
- Burning Skeletons now have a 70% chance of shooting a burning arrow
- Burning Arrows now ignite entities
- Mobs on fire attacking player now have a 30% chance to spread that fire onto the player
- Added the ability to right click armor to equip (or swap if an armor is already equippped)
- Added an option to disable sleeping to skip night but preserving the ability to set spawn point
- Added an option to disable Nightmares (Sleep Mob Spawning when the area isnt fully lit)
- Fixed Step Assist working even when crouching
- Added mods which UniTweaks has full feature parity with to "breaks" list in fabric.mod.json
- Included more sane default settings
Game Tweaks/Fixes :
- Boats drop themselves
- Experimental keybind screen with search
- Fences don't need a block below them to place
- Fences connect to blocks
- Fixed fence bounding box
- Bookshelves now drop 3 books instead of nothing
- Allow pressure plates to be placed on fences
- Allow Picking Blocks from inventory
- Added potentially conflicting mods into fabric.mod.json
- Fixed some blocks not being pickable
Mod Fixes:
- Fixed Clouds toggle not saving propertly
- Fixed compatibility with MojangFix's BitDepthFix
- Fixed fences connecting with pressure plates
- Fixed game not starting with AnnoyanceFix installed