- Configs: Change Tick Rate for Player's Vehicle Entities (Only when player is mounted) | Default: False
- Configs: Change Tick Rate for Hostile Mobs | Default: True
- Configs: getAdjustedTickRateLivingEntities Tooltip → Doesn’t affect Player Entities
- Spanish language support (es_es)
This change was made so that not all tick rates are set by default. This mod is intended so that each player can change it according to their server's preferences.
- Configs: Block Entities | Default: True → False
These changes were made to improve the comprehension of the different configs.
- Configs: strongerPerformance → performanceMode
- Configs: getStrongerPerformance → getPerformanceMode
- Configs: getTickRateMobEntities → getChangeTickRateLivingEntities
- Configs: specificTickRateMobEntities → specificTickRateLivingEntities
- Configs: getTickRateItemEntities → getChangeTickRateItemEntities
- Configs: getTickRateBlockEntities → getChangeTickRateBlockEntities
- Configs: getTickRateNetherPortalBlock → getChangeTickRateNetherPortalBlock
- TR based on TPS for Mob Entities → Change Tick Rate for Living Entities
- Specific Tick Rate for Mob Entities → Specific Tick Rate for Living Entities
- TR based on TPS for Item Entities → Change Tick Rate for Item Entities
- TR based on TPS for Block Entities → Change Tick Rate for Block Entities
- TR based on TPS for Nether Portal Block Entities → Change Tick Rate for Nether Portal Block Entities
Technical Changes:
This change is aimed to fix the issue “Random Tick Rates in Item Entities”
- ItemEntity Tick Rate now is in WorldMixin class
These changes are just for more organization and compacting.
- ItemEntity Distance method has been optimized
- Configs location: config/bsdfwmi/bsdfwmi-common → config/bsdfwmi/bsdfwmi
- Compacted imports
- Moved the method “getCustomTickRate” to BsDFWMI Initializer class.
- Random Tick Rates in Item Entities
- Specific Tick Rates has a wrong formula
It was a useless tooltip that was there, just disturbing.
- All Tooltips with “After Changes you need to Restart the Server”
- Intermediate Mode - Formula: 5 - x/5
- Specific Tick Rate in Configs
- Selection between Modes now works with choosing a number between 0 and 2. 0 means Weak, 1 means Intermediate & 2 means Strong.
- Now the adaptable entity tick rate won’t affect player entities
- Now is full server-side.
- Mod Menu: getTickRateEntities Text: TR based on TPS for Entities → TR based on TPS for Mob Entities
- Configs: getTickRateEntities → getTickRateMobEntities
- Crash: If there's an item entity on the ground with a stack size greater than 99 and the game is paused, it crashes.
- Max Stack Size config