on Jan 26, 20231.1.2:
- Fixed a crash when the TOP api was used improperly (wrong handling of IMC message). This prevents a crash with the latest EnderIO (which has also been fixed there btw)
on Jan 26, 20231.1.1:
- Added an in-game config option to scale the tooltip from miniscule to gigantic (and everything in between)
on Jan 26, 20231.1.0:
- Work around a crash with things giving negative harvest level
- Improved helmet probe rendering (from The Fireplace)
- Changed how The One Probe handles client side configuration. The theonprobe_client.cfg is gone now. Instead there is a 'client' config category with values that can be changed client-side. This means that people will have to set client side configs again. However, you can now do this in 'Mod Options' while in game
- Added a new optional feature so that have to hold the visibility key in order for the tooltip to be visible (as opposed to having it as a toggle)
- Fixed bottom right corner of borders not rendering (Tylian)
- Bedrock is no longer considered to be harvestable
on Jan 26, 20231.0.15:
- Fixed a problem with TOP crashing on the ender dragon
- Improved how the 'waiting for server' message is shown. It was sometimes coming up too quickly
on Jan 26, 20231.0.14:
- getPickBlock is now called client side with the correct raytracing information. That means that it should work properly for things like MCMP for example.
- Added a new feature that shows basic block/entity info when the server is lagging (more then 500ms behind). This can be disabled
- Other mods can now implement probe functionality in their items too (not only helmets). To do that just add the tag 'theoneprobe_hand' to the NBT of the item (for helments it was 'theoneprobe')
on Jan 26, 20231.0.13:
- By default chest contents will be compacted when shown to the player. This can be toggled back to old behaviour
- Additionally fixed position of stacksize for very big stack sizes
on Jan 26, 20231.0.12:
- Chinese and Russian translations
- Fix potential divide by zero in the progress renderer
- Fixed rendering of big stacksizes
on Jan 26, 20231.0.11:
- Protection against things throwing exceptions that have no message
- It is now possible to attach the probe to the iron, gold or diamond helmet. That frees a hand slot for other uses. Other mods can easily suppor this too by tagging the 'theoneprobe' NBT tag to their helmet item
on Jan 26, 20231.0.10:
- If the probe is off-hand or probe tooltip is always shown then harvestability is shown for the current block
- TOP now catches Throwable instead of Exception
- Also the first three frames of the stack are now compared for duplicate exception detection
- TOP will report exceptions again after a certain time (default 20 seconds)
- It was not possible to configure the RF bar colors. This was forgotten in the config
- If looking at a lever it will show the on/off state of that lever
- No longer show the real name of blocks containing silverfish unless you're holding the creative probe
on Jan 26, 20231.0.9:
- Fixed command completion for the topcfg command
- Fixed rendering of players in the TOP tooltip (for multiplayer)
- Avoid excessive logging spam in case a block causes an exception in TOP
- Also the error is now logged with level debug instead of error
- Changed the 'needsProbe' config so that it is now an int with three possible values: 0 = no probe needed, 1 = probe required (but client can override), 2 = no probe required and client cannot override. Default is 1 which is the same behaviour as it was before
- Show harvest level in addition to harvest tool now
on Jan 26, 20231.0.8:
- Added extra protection to the standard info provider in case some mod has a corrupted getPickBlock() result that returns an invalid itemstack
on Jan 26, 20231.0.7:
- Standard probe info provider now uses getPickBlock correctly to get the information from a block. That should fix multipart and related
- Added a new config option so that you can automatically enable extended mode (sneak mode) if the probe is in your main hand. In off hand it will still act normal
- Added new 'extendedinmain' and 'defaultinmain' subcommands to set the new option
- Show growth level for netherwart too
on Jan 26, 20231.0.6:
- Fixed TOP tooltip being rendered twice every frame
- Fixed entity rendering sometimes corrupting GL state (this could cause weird render issues when looking at entities with the probe)
- Added a new config option to control when (or how) the name of the mod should be visible
- Added config for sorting and excluding entity providers as well
- Added a new hotkey ('v' by default) to toggle visibility of the probe (so you can make it invisible even if you're holding the probe)
on Jan 26, 20231.0.5:
- Looking at crops would give errors in the log and the crop growth level was not shown
on Jan 26, 20231.0.4:
- Fixed crop age rendering for beetroot
- Added debug information for entities (creative probe)
- Entity rotation is no longer faster if multiple entities are visible. In addition it is paused when the game is paused
- Better scaling of entities so they fit their box better. Also for modders there is now more control in the API to control the size of the entity box as well as the scale of the entity inside that box
- More alignment options for layouts (for modders)
- Fixed a problem on servers where sometimes a weird character would appear in the tooltip
- Extended the API so that you can now use the entity directly instead of the entity name. That way the NBT data is also preserved which means that the icon will 100% mirror the entity (wither skeletons, horse colors, ...)
- New API to be able to override the default TOP config for your own blocks or entities. Mods can use this to (for example) disable the built-in RF display if they have their own version of that
- Avoided client side dependencies which could make TOP crash on servers
on Jan 26, 20231.0.3:
- Added support for 'long' in progress bars (for really big numbers)
- Fixed support for the RF API. Oops! So from now on TOP should again show how much RF there is in a machine
- Added protection for entity rendering to avoid TOP crashing. The error is reported in the log
- Added an API to do custom rendering for the one probe. Using this new API modders can now render their own overlays easily whenever they want
on Jan 26, 20231.0.2:
- Bundled the CoFH RF API because otherwise TOP fails if no other mod provides this
on Jan 26, 20231.0.1:
- Fixed localization of the keybinding
- Fixed the probe not working on entities
on Jan 26, 2023Version 1.0.0:
- API changes
- Added the ability to override providers
- Added ways to show icons and entities
- New provider system for entities
- The probe item looks nicer now (thanks to CyanideX)
- When there is an error in a provider this is now also logged in the server log
- Entities are now supported:
- Show name and mod and rotating icon
- Show health with hearts. If sneaking show health as text as well
- If sneaking also show the active potion effects
- Liquids are now supported
- Disabled by deafult
- Use 'l' key or /topcfg liquids to enable
- The probe shows growth level of a crop
- Show redstone level on the side of a block
- Better configuration control of how and when to show stuff
- Show more information with the creative probe (debug info)
on Jan 26, 20230.0.1beta4:
- Better way to show the name of a mod
- Avoid flickering of tooltip when switching to different blocks by showing the last tooltip a bit longer
- Added crash protection to the tooltip system