Version 2.1.5 - HOTFIX
All previous changes from 2.1.4:
Bug Fix
- Bug fix: Fixed class loading destroying other mods ability to load
Version 2.1.4
- Added Interior: Hartnell
- Added Interior: Pertwee
- Updated Interior: Copper
- Updated Interior: Mesh
- Updated Interior: Mechanical
- Updated Interior: Refurbished
- Enhancement: Added tooltips to various screens to indicate which mod added content
- Enhancement: Players can now sleep in the TARDIS (No spawnpoint setting)
- Enhancement: Doors can now be placed at 2x2 rendering by shift right-clicking when placing
- Enhancement: Addon Mod Developers now get a more descriptive message when they have not registered models for Consoles/Shells
- Added Sub-Command: Summon
Bug Fix
- Bug fix: Export Desktop command no longer errors when a user uses upper case characters
- Bug fix: Fixed Console Configurator not rendering consoles when they have boot up animations
- Bug fix: Fixed Console Configurator looking for null patterns when sourcing a model
- Bug fix: Fixed Game crashing when removing mods that add consoles or shells, they will not default to Factory Console / Factory Shell when removed
- Bug fix: Sodium compatibility on Fabric
Version 2.1.3
Bug Fixes
- Bug Fix: Placing and entering TARDIS door in the overworld crashes the game with Immersive Portals #444
- Bug Fix: Players can land TARDIS within TARDIS with Landing Pad #447
- Bug Fix: Fixed TARDIS not storing Adventure Mode Dimensions correctly
- Bug Fix: Fixed Dedicated Servers on Fabric having issues loading data from disk (Caused dupe TARDIS and loss of Upgrades etc)
- Bug Fix: Fixed Diagonal Windows Support
- Bug fix: Fixed duplication happening on logging out mid-flight (and other occasions)
- Bug fix: Fixed issue where End Dragon fight would not be checked correctly
- Bug fix: Potentially fixed interior door messing up on AMD cards!
- Added use_internal_shaders client config
- Added render_vortex_in_door client config
- Added Panamax Interior
Textures and Models
- Altered: Factory Console Emission Texture
- Altered: Factory Console (Mint) Emission Texture
- Altered: Factory Console (Vintage) Emission Texture
- Altered: Factory Console (Wood) Emission Texture
- Added: Victorian Console (Default) Emission Texture
- Added: Victorian Console (Bronze Age) Emission Texture
API Changes
- Addon mods can now freely register console models
- Addon mods consoles can now have per variant models
Version 2.1.2
Bug Fixes
- Bug Fix: Tardis will change locations without taking off, just by setting coordinates.#427
- Bug Fix: Using the amethyst screwdriver to interact with the terraformer causes a freeze crash. (v2.1.1) #426
- Bug Fix: Instantaneous Travel #421
- Bug Fix: Crash loop when using the console changer #432
- Bug Fix: [FORGE] Shell Patterns not shown on computer bank #425
- Bug Fix: Consoles not animating correctly
- Bug Fix: Tardis can travel to it's own dimension #435
- Bug Fix: Enter TARDIS with door closed #422
- Bug Fix: Tardis Shell Viewer not in correct position #434
- Bug Fix: tardis concole can be pushed with a piston. #437
Version 2.1.1
In the previous version, we released a lot and it didn't quite meet the testing required for a release. Resulting in a terrible launch :( You can find everything from 2.1.0 here:
Bug Fixes
- Bug Fix: Fixed Fuel Alarm going off when the TARDIS isn't fully grown yet
- Bug Fix: Fixed Vortex Overlay not being called on Forge
- Bug Fix: Fixed Vortex & Shell scales on Forge
- Bug Fix: Fixed keys not working as intended
- Bug Fix: Fixed Manipulator crafting not working as intended
- Updated Factory Console Texture
- Added: Skulker Shell (Just for fun <3)
- Old waypoints from pre-2.1.0 may cause issues and default to 0,0,0 - you may need to remake them :( (Trust me it's in the name of progress))