Release 1.6.9 for MC 1.12.x
- Added an essence recipe for Apples
- Dispensers can now properly dispense Fertilized Essence and Mystical Fertilizer
- Changed how fall damage is negated to prevent mod compatibility issues
- Fixed Superium armor not having step assist (and Prudentium armor having it instead)
- Fixed Prudentium armor's model being messed up
Release 1.6.7
- All recipes now register during the recipe registry event, which means they should all work with everything just fine now
- Added Dawnstone seeds
- Added support for LibVulpes to relevant materials
- Increased the default tier of Starmetal seeds to 5
- Fixed some essence recipes registering even if their seed is disabled
Release 1.6.5
- Added Botania crops: Elementium
- Added Applied Energistics crops: Sky Stone
- Added Rustic crops: Slate
- Added generic oredict entries for the seeds
- Moved essence recipe registration to postInit
- This will fix any missing mod support recipes
- This *may* make it incompatible with crafttweaker recipe removal, so you'd have to use the mysticalagriculture_recipes.cfg file instead
- Fixed the Growth Accelerator slowing down/nullifying watering cans
- Fixed Twilight Forest crops not checking if Twilight Forest is installed
Release 1.5.9
- Added generic oredict entries for the seeds
- Added a config to disable the generic oredict entries
- Fixed the Seed Reprocessor not working with some item transfer methods (like thermal dynamics)
- Fixed Growth Accelerators slowing down/nullifying watering cans
- Increases the armor step assist heights to account for farmland/path
Release 1.6.4
- Added Twilight Forest crops: Steeleaf, Ironwood, Knightmetal, Fiery Ingot
- The Seed Reprocessor should now work with most item transfer methods (like thermal dynamics)
- Increased the height of the armor step assists slightly to account for farmland/path being slightly lower
- Fixed the storage blocks not registering in the OreDictionary
Release 1.6.3
- Added Experience Droplet; made with Experience Essence
- Added a config option to disable the generic "essenceTier#" OreDictionary entries
- HWYLA will now display the tier of a crop in the tooltip
- Fixed the Tinkering Table not accepting damaged gear
- Fixed the Tinkering Table not transfering NBT data
- Fixed Essence Coal not having recipes
Release 1.6.0
- Ported to 1.12
- Consolidated a bunch of block/items ids
- All upgraded Supremium tools/armor are now NBT based instead of separate items
- Made IC2 Uranium/Iridium seperate crops
- Removed the useless ItemBlocks for active furnaces
- Added the ability to force enable crops
- Improved the Growth Accelerator growth ticking logic
- Increased the default speed of the Growth Accelerator
- Made ore textures layer over vanilla textures for better resourcepack support
- Moved some config options around (generally you should use fresh configs if you are still using pre 1.6.x ones)