- Added option to change message length allowed (default is 4098)
- Added option to message structure to display message in status bar
- Added support for minecraft's formatting (used for titles or custom message)
- Added support for lithium (or radium) by disabling the incompatible settings by default
- Fixed message gui awkward layout
- Fixed crash when rotating or mirroring chisel, hammer or paintbrush
- Potentially fixed crash with chisel
- Fixed removing side of transformable box in certain edge cases
- Fixed crash with Immersive Portals
- Adapted to CreativeCore 2.12.23
- Fixed selection box issue when transformable box was very thin
- Fixed not rotating tiles like logs properly
- Fixed signal ticker not working properly
- Fixed ignoring structure or tile collision listeners (only take care if both are there)
- Fixed not using low resolution mode
- Fixed rendering item in hand if resolution mode is active
- Fixed not rendering overlapping tiles properly
- Fixed optimization still being applied even though it is worse than before