Ender IO - 6.1.11-beta
on Sep 29, 2024Ender IO 6.1.11-beta
Bug Fixes
- Default to extract only on capabilities that report false on canReceive/canExtract
- Crafter works without energy
- Crafter not checking for the full amount of energy being present.
- Ensure broken tools are destroyed in slice 'n' splice
- Soul vial deleted when capturing using the first slot of a dispenser.
- Crash when playing with Starlight installed
Miscellaneous Tasks
- A handful of performance improvements
Ender IO - 7.0.6-alpha
on Sep 28, 2024Ender IO 7.0.6-alpha
This build is also compatible with Minecraft 1.21. Note Mekanism on 1.21 is not compatible with Ender IO. To use these together you must update to 1.21.1.
- Re-add IO Config show/hide neighbour button
Bug Fixes
- Soul vial deleted when capturing using the first slot of a dispenser.
- Ensure isSmelting is synced for alloy smelter recipes.
- Do not show smelting recipes for the primitive alloy smelter in JEI.
- Recipe input filtering is now based on alloy smelter mode.
- Smelting recipes not inherited when KubeJS is in use.
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Ensure all modules have a valid jar manifest.
Ender IO - 7.0.5-alpha
on Sep 28, 2024Ender IO 7.0.5-alpha
This build is also compatible with Minecraft 1.21. Note Mekanism on 1.21 is not compatible with Ender IO. To use these together you must update to 1.21.1.
Bug Fixes
- Revert energy conduit connection defaults to check capability canReceive/canExtract.
- Crafter works without energy
- Crafter not checking for the full amount of energy being present.
- Skip smelting recipe inheritance for recipes that do not have valid result items.
Ender IO - 7.0.4-alpha
on Sep 27, 2024Ender IO 7.0.4-alpha
This build is also compatible with Minecraft 1.21. Note Mekanism on 1.21 is not compatible with Ender IO. To use these together you must update to 1.21.1.
Bug Fixes
- Conflicting recipe IDs in smelting recipe inheritance
Ender IO - 6.1.10-beta
on Sep 26, 2024Ender IO 6.1.10-beta
- Make the filter slot in the vacuum chest work
Bug Fixes
- Fluid filter crash, corrected the size and ensure no index-out-of-bounds can occur.
- Fluid conduit speed upgrades not applying fully
- Fluid tank recipes not working after block load/server restart.
- Stored tank fluid is not shown/rendered correctly in item form
- Item duplication with filters (Note: item voiding is not yet fixed properly)
Ender IO - 7.0.3-alpha
on Sep 26, 2024Ender IO 7.0.3-alpha
This build is also compatible with Minecraft 1.21. Note Mekanism on 1.21 is not compatible with Ender IO. To use these together you must update to 1.21.1.
- Change Energy conduit cap to be per-node instead of per-tick.
- Ensure shift+clicking a filter on vacuum chest targets filter slot first.
- [API breaking] Handle alloy smelting vanilla inheritance with recipe manager.
Bug Fixes
- Another attempt at fixing crowdin (will backport to 1.20.1 once complete)
- A handful of performance improvements ported from 1.20.1
Ender IO - 7.0.2-alpha
on Sep 25, 2024Ender IO 7.0.2-alpha
This build is also compatible with Minecraft 1.21. Note Mekanism on 1.21 is not compatible with Ender IO. To use these together you must update to 1.21.1.
Some configuration defaults have been changed in this release, you may need to update your existing config's.
- Add soul chain to c:chains
- Update and fix Crowdin translations
- Add config flag to disable machine energy input throttling
Bug Fixes
- Fill and empty recipes not working as expected.
- Allow null direction on Energy Conduit to allow Jade to display buffer.
- Ensure stirling generator saves burn progress
- Save stored entity on solar panels
- Fix wired charger calculations (Also lowered default speed of wired charger and increased capacity of staff of levity.)
Ender IO - 6.1.9-beta
on Sep 25, 2024Ender IO 6.1.9-alpha
Bug Fixes
- Ensure stirling generator saves burn progress
- Fix wired charger calculations
- Update Crowdin Translations
Ender IO - 7.0.1-alpha
on Sep 24, 2024Ender IO 7.0.1-alpha
This build is also compatible with Minecraft 1.21. Note Mekanism on 1.21 is not compatible with Ender IO. To use these together you must update to 1.21.1.
- Add chemical filters (with laserio compatibility too)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update all dependencies in development environment.
- [API breaking] Bump minimum AE2 version and add support for exposing capabilities with any context.
- Add guard clause to GridHelper.onFirstTick to avoid calling create twice. (Speculative fix for an AE2 related crash)
- Bump graphlib and use maven mirror.
(Developer changes, you can ignore these as a player)
- Fix gradle string interpolation for publish versioning [no ci]
- Fix maven publishing and update readme for new maven name [no ci]
- Publish all modules separately with dependencies [no ci]
- Also publish modded conduits [no ci]
- CompileOnly refined storage [no ci]
- RuntimeOnly refined storage in enderio target [no ci]
- Put back data generation that I mistakenly removed [no ci]
- Fixed the ensure compiler plugin
- Add checkstyle gradle plugin and fix warnings.
- Introduce spotbugs gradle plugin [no ci]
- Use api configuration instead of implementation to ensure maven dependencies are scoped correctly [no ci]
Ender IO - 7.0.0-alpha
on Sep 13, 2024Ender IO 7 will remain in alpha until we are satisfied with the stability of existing content. There are some planned changes to early-game Ender IO still in the works, expect some recipes to change.
This build is also compatible with Minecraft 1.21.
- Work-in-progress texture overhaul and GUI redesign thanks to CyanideX
- Rewritten conduits with datapack support (facades are work-in-progress currently)
- RS2 conduits
- Enchantments temporarily removed
- Loot capacitor random names are back!
- Added fuel efficiency and burning generation rate properties for capacitors.
- Added The Vat for fluid crafting (recipes still work-in-progress)
- Added the "Phantom" solar panel
- Added inhibitor, aversion and relocator obelisks.
- Support for JEI bookmarks
- Grains of Infinity can now be acquired through sag-milling -and- from setting deepslate on fire.
- Support for Laser IO filters in conduits
- Support for NeoForge configuration menu.
- Added sag-mill recipes for raw iron, gold & copper
- Fixed a significant number of bugs
- Many other changes that were made in the transition to NeoForge
Ender IO - 6.1.8-beta
on Jul 20, 2024Hotfix for machines not loading their stored energy correctly.
Ender IO - 6.1.7-beta
on Jul 17, 2024Hotfix for the conduit GUI when running a server.
Ender IO - 6.1.6-beta
on Jul 9, 2024What's Changed
- Fluid Conduit Fixes by @ferriarnus in https://github.com/Team-EnderIO/EnderIO/pull/730
- Port RefinedStorage conduits to 1.20.1 version by @jumanji144 in https://github.com/Team-EnderIO/EnderIO/pull/646
New Contributors
- @jumanji144 made their first contribution in https://github.com/Team-EnderIO/EnderIO/pull/646
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Team-EnderIO/EnderIO/compare/v6.1.5-beta...v6.1.6-beta
Ender IO - 5.3.72
on Jul 3, 2024Security release, bump EnderCore minimum version.
Uploaded to Curseforge a while ago but accidentally missed on Modrinth - sincerest apologies.
Ender IO - 6.1.5-beta
on Jun 29, 2024Hotfix for AE2 conduits when using Forge (NeoForge was unaffected)
Ender IO - 6.1.4-beta
on Jun 28, 2024Ender IO 6.1.4-beta
New Features
- Make soulbinder tank input only
- Add filter slots to sort blacklist
- Add painted walls
Bug Fixes
- Fix MixinConfigs in jar manifest
Ender IO - 6.1.3-beta
on Jun 25, 2024fix: conduit type in menu not updating fix: check insert cap for insert filter, not extract fix: pickblock broken for heat conduits
Ender IO - 6.1.2-beta
on Jun 22, 2024Hotfix for conduits not rendering correctly.
Ender IO - 6.1.1-beta
on Jun 22, 2024Hotfix for game not loading when CC: Tweaked is not present.
Ender IO 6.1.0-beta
Please use caution when upgrading existing worlds, take a backup and report any issues you come across immediately.
New Features
- [breaking] Conduit Overhaul
- Added item, fluid and redstone filters
- Added extraction speed upgrade.
- Added Mekanism chemical and heat conduits
- Added CC: Tweaked redstone integration
- Rewrote a large part of the API
- Paintable travel anchor
- Made autosmelt treasure and shimmer no longer a curse
- Add loot capacitor names like 1.12.2
- Added fuel efficiency and burning energy generation rate capacitor modifiers.
- (lang) Crowdin updates, including partial Ukranian translation
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Item Conduit round robin setting.
- Blocks broken by Yeta wrench now have particle effects.
- Capacitor bank desync in GUI
- Primitive alloy smelter slot insertion. Caused by dubious slot index checks in the RecipeInputCache.
- Fix fluid push & pull
- Fix FluidTransferUtils not filling and draining all tanks
- Painter recipe to use blue instead of black dye
- Some glass breaking when in flowing water
- Capacitors clearing stored energy when removed
- #680 do not add duplicate invalidation listeners
- Soul Vial not capturing trader or wolf
- Make filled vial not capture and overwrite mob
- Chain item sound
- Make soul binder exp cost in gui
- Redstone count filter menu updates internal counter instead of the max count field.
- Conduit upgrade failure voids item
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Rework tank logic.
- Item and fluid push/pull moved to common utility
- (conduits) Unhardcode quad constants
- (github) Update GitHub workflows and templates.
- [breaking] Rename ender pearl dust tag to match other mods
- Enable nightly builds for LTS branches
- Remove alpha warning and bump version series officially to 6.1
Ender IO - 6.0.25-alpha
on Mar 10, 2024What's Changed
- Fix version when publishing to maven by @Rover656 in https://github.com/Team-EnderIO/EnderIO/pull/617
- Unlock Registrate version range, should fix mod compat issues by @Rover656 in https://github.com/Team-EnderIO/EnderIO/pull/635
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Team-EnderIO/EnderIO/compare/v6.0.24-alpha...v6.0.25-alpha