v0.7.0 - Cobblemon 1.6 Update
Updated the mod for Cobblemon 1.6.
- Entries:
- Poké Rods entries, Poké Rod Smithing Template;
- Polished Tumblestone, Tumblestone Bricks and Evolution Stone Blocks Sets entries;
- Metronome, Protective Pads, Punching Glove, Room Service, Utility Umbrella;
- Shed Shell, Terrain Extender, Throat Spray, Scope Lens, Wide Lens, Zoom Lens;
- Pokédexes entries, Poké Center and Nurse Villager, Evolution;
- Pages: Battling Pokémon rafts, Shiny Pokémon sparkles;
- Entries: Lure Ball and Repeat Ball functionality;
- Reformated tags;
- Pokéballs category name.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.21 changes.
Updated the mod for Cobblemon 1.6.
- Entries:
- Poké Rods entries, Poké Rod Smithing Template;
- Polished Tumblestone Set blocks, Tumblestone Bricks Set blocks;
- Metronome, Protective Pads, Punching Glove, Room Service, Utility Umbrella;
- Shed Shell, Terrain Extender, Throat Spray, Scope Lens, Wide Lens, Zoom Lens;
- Pokédex entries, Evolution Stone Blocks Set entries;
- Poké Center and Nurse Villager;
- Entries: Lure Ball and Repeat Ball functionality;
- Updated to Minecraft 1.21 changes.
An update to the Ancient Poké Ball entry, a few fixes and small pt_br translation additions.
- Pages: Ancient Poké Balls obtaining and usage pages, Deserted Tower Ruins trivia;
- Translation: A few more pt_br translation strings.
- Updated Entries: Ancient Poké Balls text.
- Ancient Poké Ball link;
- Some typos.
Finally added all the content from Cobblemon 1.5.
- Pages: Images for many Fossil Dig Sites entries, Images for many Ruins entries, Pottery Shards loot and trivia pages;
- Entries: Ability Capsule, Ability Patch, Destiny Knot, Flame Orb, Life Orb, Smoke Ball, Toxic Orb;
- Updated Entries: Berry Mutating text, Feather text, Pottery Sherd entries links, Power Items entries usage;
- Prehistoric Suspicious Mound entry values;
- Fixed a bunch of typos and inconsistencies on the lang file.
Almost finishing adding the content from Cobblemon 1.5 Update.
- Entries: New Held Items entries, new Ruins entries, Fairy Feather;
- Pages: Candy's obtaining, Automaton Armor Trim's crafting and trivia, Smithing Template's loot, Type Gems' obtaining;
- Updated Entries: Apricorn, Apricorn Sprout, Moon Stone Ore, Fossil Structures > Fossil Dig Sites, Ruin Structures > Ruins, Armor Trim > Smithing Template, Type Gems;
- Removed Entries: Archaeological Structure.
- Updated fossil wiki links;
- Pottery sherds with the wrong entry title.
Added some of missing content added by Cobblemon 1.5 Update.
- Category: Structures;
- Entries: Prehistoric Fossil Structures, Decorative Blocks, Display Case, Gilded Chest entries, Gimmighoul, Gimmighoul Chest, Relic Coin entries, Pottery Sherds entries, Armor Trims entries, Nether Fire Stone Ore, Terracotta Sun Stone Ore, Feathers entries;
- Updated Categories: Poké Ball;
- Updated Entries: Poké Ball Intro, Ancient Poké Balls entries, Tumblestone;
- Renamed Entries: Machines to Utility Blocks.