- Global Death Sound based on death now also has a sound for being killed by boss or miniboss mobs: Ender Dragon, Wither, Warden, Elder Guardian, Ravager, Blaze King, Hovering Inferno
- Added more biome displays for terralith biomes; Fractured Savanna, Yosemite, Siberian Taiga, Cloud Forest, Glacial Chasm
- Added more biome displays for vanilla biomes; Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga
- Settings intro message now has a hover text for the ⓘ information symbol
- Fixed a bug where the sitting tip would play on start of every day
- Added a bunch of new tips for Vanilla Refresh features. These tips do not regularly cycle, and instead appear after obtaining certain items (if you obtained echo shards, the tip for silencing mobs will appear). Disabling features will disable the tip for that feature appearing.
- 4 Vanilla Refresh tips, specifically stats, gamerules, creative and sit tips will appear after the start of each minecraft day after day 1 individually
- Fixed a bug which could prevent you from powering an armor stand with a lever when in pose 2-3
- Snow is now considered a permeable block in vanilla refresh
- Added a new option in the settings for Mob Health called "Optimize" to clear all health scores for entities that no longer exist as well as reload current health entity scores
- New Global Death Sound, which plays the sound based off the way in which the death occurred. This is now the default
- When starting a new world instead of the Daycounter starting with day 0, it starts with day 1. Keep in mind this does mean your server's f3 day tracker will be offset by 1 day forward than vanilla
- Fixed a bug which didnt teleport you to world spawn when using the spectator mode action for it in another dimension
- TNT minecarts now disappear when tnt explosions are disabled
- XP from the enderdragon no longer homes to the nearest player
- When clicking "Disable All" in the settings menu, it no longer disables tnt and end crystals
- Changed the name of the setting "Player Stats" to "/trigger stats Command"
- Added 2 new tips
/trigger gamerules
now shows the settings for Global and Local Death Sounds in words
- Improved Spectator Mode now has a new action; you can now teleport to world spawn
- Changed the description for Improved Spectator Mode to be more concise
- When disabling Mob Health Display, it will also stop tracking scores for health and max health
- A new self setting in the Player section can be enabled to give yourself permanent night vision